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OCT | 2021
The White Truffle - Part 1
Always appreciated since ancient times, the truffle, especially the white one, is considered one of the finest foods in world gastronomy.
It was highly appreciated at the table by the ancient Romans who had copied the culinary use of the ancient Etruscans.
The Greeks also used truffles in their cooking in the 1st century AD. Plutarch thought that the fungus named as Tuber Terrae (tuber of the earth) could be born thanks to three natural elements: lightning water heat. This is because legend has it that Jupiter, throwing lightning at the foot of an oak tree, would have generated the tuber.

The truffle disappeared from the tables of the Middle Ages, and remained the food of wolves, foxes, badgers and wild boars. The Renaissance relaunched the taste of good food and the truffle regained the first place among the most refined dishes, appearing among the tables of the nobles Caterina de 'Medici and Lucrezia Borgia, as well as in the most prestigious banquets in Europe. Alfonso Ciccarelli, wrote a book dedicated to truffles in 1564, the title was: Opusculus de tuberis in which the information of some important Greek and Latin naturalists was summarized with the addition of several historical anecdotes related to the tuber.

In the 1700s, the Piedmontese truffle was considered a delicacy in all European courts, and its research constituted a palace amusement, for which guests and foreign ambassadors visiting Turin were invited to attend.

The naturalist Carlo Vittadini, published in Milan in 1831 the Monographia Tuberacearum, the first work that laid the foundations of idnology, the science that deals with the study of truffles, describing 51 different species.

After that we get to 1929 to talk about the main character for the world of truffles: Giacomo Morra. The well-known restaurateur and hotelier from Alba had the brilliant idea of ​​making the white truffle (he himself called the "Alba Truffle) an object of international worship, creating an event of both tourist and gastronomic appeal around the precious mushroom.
Morra sent every year a precious truffle to a famous person, to receive it were the President of the United States Harry Truman in 1951, the British Prime Minister Winston Churchill in 1953, the sportsman Joe Di Maggio and the actress American Marylin Monroe in 1954.

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